Angkor Wat, Cambodia | 2 of 3

While at Angkor Wat, I was wandering around taking photos of random things. Markus was busy filming, so I walked away from him for a bit. There was a small walkway that led out to a balcony. For some reason, I was drawn to this balcony and decided to see where it led. When I finally made it outside, I saw another temple across the way, it was in that moment I saw a monk standing in the temple. It was such a beautiful image and I quickly captured it with my camera. The entire structure was empty and gray, except for this bright pop of orange.

I snapped away and then another monk appeared. They probably felt someone watching them and turned and saw me. They moved to the windows and stared directly at me. It was kind of jarring and I quickly went to find Markus. I showed him the photos and then led him over to see. When we walked back, the monks must have been some kind of supernatural beings, because they were suddenly on the balcony I was standing on. I was gone for only two minutes, but they just magically appeared. We walked away quickly and nervously. It was crazy experience and one that I will never forget.


  1. What a cool story behind such a beautiful photograph! I've got chills!

  2. Supernatural monks! They must've teleported themselves to our balcony from all the way over, I want super powers.


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