Pre Rup | Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Pre Rup, which means "turn the body", was probably my favorite temple in the Angkor Wat complex. It's not one of the popular temples and it's a little out of the way.  It was built in 961 or 962 and dedicated to the Hindu god, Shiva. When we visited, there weren't that many people. There were only a handful of tourists and even smaller amount of Khmer people trying to sell crafts. I think the main reason I liked Pre Rup was the because of the lack of people. Markus and I were able to explore freely. I hate feeling rushed when I'm traveling and I felt that at some of the other sites. Since there weren't heaps of people in the way, I was able to have a relaxing and enlightening experience.


  1. Okay.. so ya'll matched on purpose yah?
    tisk tisk...

    1. Things you don't know about Asians... it's what we do. We always match, even if we don't mean to do it. :)

  2. OMG I was just commenting on the matching thing too lol hilarious! I love it. =)
    -the biffle


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