Eats with Jeff #2: Fish and Chips

Fresh Fries Factory in Seomyeon

This was our first official time meeting with Jeff and essentially this was where Eats with Jeff began. He and I were messaging back and forth about some of the foods we love to eat and the places that we wanted to go. He mentioned Fresh Fries Factory, a fish and chips place in Seomyeon. I heard that it was a popular place with foreigners and I've always wanted to go.

I love a good fish and chips. I think that we didn't eat enough of it when we were in the UK, but I also didn't want to come back gaining all the weight I lost before we left. I'm always trying to find the foods that I miss and are hard to find. Although I love Korean food, sometimes you just want a taste of home.

Fish and Chips
Chicken and Chips
Sausage and Chips

I hate to say it, but Fresh Fries Factory was awful. It was really disappointing, because I wanted them to be good. When we glanced at the menu, I was really excited. They didn't just offer fish and chips they also offered other menu items. The three things that we all agreed we wanted to try were the fish, sausage and chicken. 

When everything came out, I could tell just by looking at it, it wasn't going to be what I expected. The fish looked okay, but the serving size was so small. It was mostly batter and very little fish. The sausage wasn't even sausage it was hot dog and not the good kind. The chicken was okay, but it was very similar to the chicken tenders you would get in elementary school. I was really disappointed and didn't even waste the calories on the chips.

Jeff, my bruv
Beef with Rice
Beef Bibimbap

After the seriously disappointing meal at Fresh Fries Factory, we were all still quite hungry. We walked around trying to find something to whet our appetite. We ended up at this beef and rice place that we saw on the street. We ordered beef bibimbap and beef with rice. It was pretty tasty although it's pretty hard to ruin beef and rice. The best part was that each meal was only around $5.

The lesson of this Eats with Jeff? Just because a lot of people frequent a place does not mean the food is good. Also, Korea always has something to offer if you've had a disappointing meal. 

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